Frequent questions

How to do a report?

1) When should I use Whistleblower?

If you know or have seen any error, omission, operational risk, as well as any failures to the Community Book, our good practices and any legislation applicable to Clip. This is a reliable and safe space where you can use your voice freely and transparently in a confidential and anonymous way.

2) What benefits does Whistleblower give us?

Develops and strengthens a culture of ethics, improves the work environment, in addition to promoting the use of reports of conduct that goes against our Community Book through a safe and reliable, objective and independent space, with the main objective of providing a professional and quality service for the Clippers.

3) Will there be any kind of retaliation for making a report or question?

No, Clip guarantees the anonymity of complaints when submitting a report through any of the channels that we make available to them, through the EthicsGlobal services.

4) What kind of information or data is needed to use Whistleblower?

When submitting a report, you will be asked for the following information:

  • Full name and position of the people involved.
  • Approximate place and date where the events occurred.
  • If possible, get items that can serve as evidence.
  • A detailed wording of how the events happened.
  • You can also make your report anonymously.

5) Why report?

At Clip we have zero tolerance for harassment, discrimination and any practice that goes against our Community Book.

This is a reliable and safe space where you can use your voice freely and transparently, confidentially and anonymously.

6) What can I report?

Errors, omissions, operational risks, as well as breaches of the Community Book and any current legislation, some examples are:

  • Bad operational and/or commercial practices.
  • Conflict of interests.
  • Workplace harassment.
  • Corruption.
  • Leakage and/or misuse of information.

7) How long will it take to solve a report?

EthicsGlobal sends the information to the Whistleblower team within a maximum period of 48 hours after the report has been made. The Whistleblower team receives it, begins the investigations, presents conclusions and it will be the Ethics Committee that determines the corresponding measures.

8) After doing a report, will I be informed of the resolution?

Whistleblower will only notify the complainant of the status of the investigation. The content and results of the investigation will remain confidential.

9) How can I follow up on a report I have submitted?

When you make a report, you will be provided with a follow-up folio that will serve to:

  • Know if more information is needed to process the report.
  • Provide any new information related to your report.
  • View updates or status of the investigation.

We recommend you follow up 5 or 6 business days after making your report.

10) What happens if after doing my report I want to provide more information?

At any time, a complainant can access Whistleblower and, with a follow-up folio, provide new information or report a recurrence.

Report, prevent and protect... ¡Cuidemos juntos a CLIP!